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75 date night questions for couples

Want to level up your date night conversation? Then check out these 75 fun date night questions for couples.

A couple having dinner and being intimate while asking each other date night questions

Date night is always a highlight of the week.

Both Ben and I work hard, and for myself in particular the notion of taking rest is something I have had to become quite deliberate and intentional about.

Doing date night is one way we have that rest and focus on us as a couple.

After all, it is our commitment to each other that makes all other things not only possible but purposeful.

Even after over ten years together, we still love talking to each other. One way we have improved our conversations is by asking questions of each other.

The mood that we’re in and the entertainment we’ve planned often dictates the kinds of questions we ask.

These 75 date night questions for couples aren’t designed to get you thinking too hard but they will guarantee some fun conversation.

(And if you like these, then you’ll enjoy these fun questions for couples, this or that questions for couples, truth or dare questions for couples, and would you rather questions for couples, so make sure you check them out too!).

Date night questions for couples

A couple happily talking to each other asking these date night questions for couples.
  1. If you weren’t afraid of the outcome, what would you do to change your life?
  2. What’s something you intend to never ever do again?
  3. If you could change one decision you made in your life, what would it be and why?
  4. What impact do you think money has on people?
  5. What’s something about yourself that you would never change, no matter what?
  6. Would you rather live way out in the country or in an apartment in the middle of a city?
  7. What five guests would you invite (living or dead) around for dinner?
  8. What food reminds you of your childhood?
  9. What’s your favorite way to end your day?
  10. If you could have been a teenager in a different decade than the one you grew up in, which one would you have choose?
  11. What would you like to be famous for?
  12. Which relative do you admire the most?
  13. If you could see into the future, what would you like to know?
  14. When did you feel like you had became an adult?
  15. What habit are you happiest for breaking?
  16. If you only had one year to live, what would you do?
  17. What criticism hurts you the most?
  18. If you could choose the manner of your death, how would you go?
  19. What’s your guilty pleasure?
  20. What kind of legacy do you want to leave?
  21. Who do you admire most in the world and why?
  22. Would you rather be too hot or too cold?
  23. What kind of things make you cry?
  24. If you could have a super-human trait, what would it be?
  25. What bad habits that we share are we encouraging each other (even unintentionally) to keep?
  26. What’s the earliest memory you have?
  27. What’s the earliest dream you can remember?
  28. If your life really does flash before your eyes, what would you like the last thing you see before you die to be?
  29. If you could have been born into any family, which one would it have been?
  30. What one item (not counting people or pets) would you save from your house in a fire or flood?
  31. Blind, deaf, no arms or no legs – which one would you choose if you had to?
  32. What dessert could you eat every night for the rest of your life?
  33. Excluding me, who in your family would you miss the most if they were no longer around?
  34. What are your top three values?
  35. In what ways are you different from your parents?
  36. If your life was a movie, who would the villain/s be?
  37. If you had $1,000,000 to donate to a charity, which one would you select and why?
  38. What do you miss most about being a child?
  39. If we had to move to another country, which one would you pick and why?
  40. If we could travel to any country in the world right now, which one would you pick and why?
  41. What’s your most irrational fear?
  42. What would childhood you think of adult you?
  43. If you could change in a instant to being successful in any profession, what would you become?
  44. What do you hate the most?
  45. What’s the best piece of advice your mom or dad ever gave you?
  46. What’s something you could do every day and never get tired of it?
  47. What’s an unconventional belief that you have?
  48. What small things do you get the most joy from?
  49. What’s something you really wanted as a kid that you never got?
  50. If you were given $100,000 and had to either save it or invest it for one year before you had access to it, which one would you choose?
  51. How different is perfect you from current you?
  52. Do you consider yourself to be a moral person?
  53. Should kids get pocket money for doing chores or just because? Why?
  54. If you could be any historical figure, who would you be?
  55. What was your favorite cartoon when you were a child? When did you use to watch it and with whom?
  56. What’s the worst nightmare you’ve ever had?
  57. What was the most common type of comment on your school reports?
  58. What change did you make in your life that you’re the most proud of?
  59. If you could time travel, where would you go to and why?
  60. What invention would you have loved to have created?
  61. If you got a (new) tattoo, what would it be and why?
  62. What item can you not live without?
  63. What’s your favorite part of being a man / woman / non-binary?
  64. If you could change genders for a day, what would you do?
  65. If you balanced your good deed against your bad deeds, where would your scale end up?
  66. Where did you love to go when you were a child?
  67. Would you rather be incredibly attractive or incredibly smart?
  68. What does “freedom” mean to you?
  69. If someone had to play you on a tv series, which actor would it be?
  70. What’s the best concert you ever attended?
  71. If you were reincarnated as an animal, which one would it be?
  72. Buried or cremated? Why?
  73. What’s your favorite daydream?
  74. Describe your perfect weekend.
  75. What’s the first thing you can remember saving up for?

On your next date night, consider taking 5-10 of these date night questions for couples and using each one to spark off a conversation. See where it takes you!

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