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Naughty and nice bedroom date ideas

These bedroom date ideas take the idea of an at home date night to the next level.

A lovely couple on a bed being intimate after reading these naughty and nice bedroom date ideas

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If you’re prepared to put in a little thought and effort, at home date nights are the best. You don’t need to leave the house, you don’t need to spend a squajillion dollars, and you don’t need to get out of your comfy pants – there’s so much to love.

But you can’t just get on the couch, put on Neflix and call that date night. You have to be a little more intentional and purposeful than that.

After all, the whole point of date night is to add fun, intimacy and novelty into your relationship, so the same old same old doesn’t cut the mustard.

These bedroom date ideas promise to add that fun, intimacy and novelty by taking the at home date idea to the next level – by keeping it in the bedroom.

Now, when we were kids, and especially when we were teens, our bedroom was our sacred space.

Unlike other rooms of the house, it was decorated the way we liked, contained things that were precious to us, and was a retreat from the rest of the world.

If you were anything like me, you probably did a lot of living in your bedroom.

When we become adults, our relationship with our bedroom shifts- we collapse in there at the end of the day, maybe use it as a place to hide our unfolded laundry when people drop in, and that’s about it.

But our bedrooms can be so much more.

They can be a place to decompress, reconnect, and bring us closer to our spouses.

They can be peaceful, romantic, or steamy.

It’s time to take our bedrooms back with these bedroom date ideas.

Bedroom board games

A happy couple snuggling in bed

Believe it or not, there are board games out there that are specifically designed for your pleasure.

Check out these sexy board games and make them a key part of your next bedroom date.

Breakfast in bed

Who said a date had to take place at night?

Having breakfast in bed is a super sweet and fun bedroom date idea.

You can make it simple with coffee and toast, or get more inventive with an easy waffle board.

Extreme Makeover: Bedroom edition

A bedroom designed with green accent

Most of us have bedroom’s that err on the messy side: clothes on the floor, clutter on the bedside table and bedding that was last updated around the turn of the century.

Make a date to sort out your bedroom with a declutter and clean, followed by treating yourself to some romantic bedroom decor, so your bedroom becomes a soothing retreat you both can’t wait to go back to.

Fantasy Island

A couple being intimate in bed

Sometimes our sexy times are limited to quickies, early morning fumblings, or just before we fall asleep.

It’s not often we make time to explore our fantasies, but that’s exactly the case with this bedroom date night.

Everyone has a fantasy inside of them. Whether it’s relatively tame, such as being blindfolded or tied up, or something a little more exotic, so long as it doesn’t involve anyone else (that’s where my boundaries firmly are), why not give it a try?

Make this bedroom date night all about them and then next time, it’s your turn!

Hotel California

A couple by the window wearing bathrobes

Think about what you LOVE about staying at a luxury hotel… and what makes that hotel stay truly romantic.

I’m thinking:

Warm, fluffy robes.

Clean sheets.

Rose petals on the bed.

Sexy lingerie.


Candles and fairy lights.

Soft music.


Replicate that hotel experience by decorating your bedroom like a romantic, luxury hotel.

You’ll never want to leave!

Paint me like your French girls

Hands with glow in the dark paint

This bedroom date is a whole lot of fun!

You’ll need to grab a UV light and these body glow paints.

Consider stripping your bed and putting plain sheets or towels over it.

Take turns painting each other’s bodies with crazy patterns and shapes.

Then switch on the black light and watch your designs pop!

Finish this bedroom date idea by washing each other off in the shower.

Rub a dub dub

A man being massaged

I personally hate giving a massage. I even bought my husband one of those massage pillows so he could enjoy “the rubs”, as we call them, without me having to do anything.

The sensual massage though, is quite a different story, because we all know it’s not about relaxing any muscles.

No, it’s about channeling your inner cock tease.

That’s always fun.

Get ready

Set the scene for this bedroom date with the right atmosphere and equipment.

  • Suggest your loved one jumps in the shower while you get everything ready
  • Pop a towel in the dryer to warm it up
  • Fold back the bed neatly
  • Adjust the heating if required so the room is a comfortable temperature
  • Make sure you have your massage oil on the bedside table
  • Get in some sexy underwear
  • Put on some suitable music at a low volume
  • Light the candles and turn off the lights
  • As they are drying themselves off, grab the towel from the dryer and place it on the bed so they can lie against its comfy warmth

Get started

If you’re not super confident with giving a massage, let me assure you – this one is hard to mess up. By the time you get to the end they’re not going to be anything but appreciative.

The idea is to start of light and easy. Remember “tease” should be your middle name.

They should be lying on their stomachs, and you comfortably straddling them.

Make sure the oil is nice and warm in your hands before you begin.

Then it’s all about following a few simple rules:

  1. Start off light and long on the least erogenous zones, so arms, backs – stroking all the way up and down
  2. If a place is likely to be ticklish then use firmer strokes
  3. Warm them up by “accidentally” brushing your breasts against them as you move
  4. When you get to the fun parts, think “in then retreat”. Tease that area and then move back to a “safer” area
  5. Don’t just use your hands

Want specific ways to do some sexy touch? Click here.

Sex questions

A happy couple in bed, the man pointing out the woman's nose

Human beings are wired for sex. Talking about it, thinking about it, imagining it and – of course- doing it – also makes us feel good.

Bottom line, when we have a good sex we feel connected. Good sex is key to relationship satisfaction.

Depending on your level of comfort with talking about sex, you may explicitly know what your partner likes, or you may have built up knowledge based on their responses.

This bedroom date idea involves grabbing this list of sex questions for couples and taking turns asking them to each other.

Take your time following up on your answers.

Shower down

A couple in bathrobes, looking at each other happily

This works well if you’re like us and have a double shower in your ensuite with detachable shower heads, but even if you don’t, you can still squeeze into your regular shower and have a fun time.

Takes turns washing each other’s body. If you have the space for one of you to sit down, wash each other’s hair.

Tease each other with the warm water before heading back to bed to finish up.

Stay in bed day

A couple having breakfast in bed

The ultimate bedroom date if you’re after rest and relaxation is a stay in bed day.

This is one of my favorite date ideas and one Ben and I have personally done many a time!

There’s one simple rule – you only get out of bed to get some food or go to the bathroom.

Grab your laptop and binge watch a season or two on Netflix.

It’s also a perfect bedroom date for colder seasons.

You might also like: Winter date ideas

Listen up

A happy couple talking in bed

And no this one isn’t about sex!

Although it seems everyone and their dog has done a podcast these days, there’s no doubting they’re a treasure trove of helpful information on all things.

Head to your podcast player of choice and search for marriage or relationships or sex. After you’ve listened, discuss what you think of the ideas expressed in it.

You don’t have to focus on your relationship either – with so many options, you’re sure to find something that interests you both.

Summing up these bedroom date ideas

These bedroom date ideas range from the naughty to the nice. They’re a fun take on your typical at home date and a great way to reclaim your bedroom so it’s the calm, connected space its meant to be.

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Joanne Hummell

Saturday 3rd of August 2024

Please send this to my wife. We have looked for ways to spice up our sexy relationship.

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