Want to increase your sexual intimacy with your partner? Check out these sex questions for couples and be prepared to act on the answers!

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Sex is one thing that makes your relationship with your partner or spouse different from any other relationship (at least – it should be!).
It’s enjoyable, pleasurable, satisfying, and is a key way of keeping you connected to each other.
However when you’ve been together for a while, sex, like everything else, can get into a bit of a rut.
Maybe you only do it on certain days of the week, in certain positions and in certain places.
In addition, you think because you know each other so well you know exactly what they like and dislike, but that’s not necessarily the case.
Well, mixing things up can lend a whole new lease of life to what goes on between the sheets.
These sex questions for couples are designed to get you both thinking about what turns you on and what to avoid, what you’d like to try, and how you can make your sex life even hotter.
(And if your libido still feels like it’s on strike, make sure you check out this course on how to boost your libido).
You might also like: Sex board games for couples.
And a quick warning – don’t go reading these at work, okay? While these questions are still broadly vanilla, they’re definitely not something you’d want your boss reading over your shoulder.
(But you might like to send some of these dirty questions by text, just to get him warmed up for later. That’s always fun. And by HIM I mean your partner, NOT your boss!).
Sex questions for couples

- What’s your favorite way to initiate sex?
- What’s your favorite way for me to initiate sex?
- How long do you like foreplay to be?
- What’s your favorite form of foreplay?
- Do you prefer quickies or marathons?
- What position do you like the most?
- What position would you like to try the next time we make love?
- When I give you head, what technique do you enjoy the most?
- What’s your dirtiest fantasy?
- Are there any toys you’d like to try?
- What’s a hard NO when it comes to sex?
- What’s your favorite part of my body?
- What’s your favorite sexual memory of us?
- What’s something you didn’t think you’d like in bed but you love now?
- What fantasies do you have about me?
- Do you like naked massages?
- How many times a week would you like to have sex?
- Would you like me to send you dirty texts at work?
- If I could do one thing the next time we have sex, what would it be?
- What were you thinking the first time we made love?
- Do you prefer making love with lights on or in the dark?
- Would you like to come in my mouth?
- Do you prefer mornings, afternoon delights, or evenings?
- Would you like to make love in the shower?
- Do you like dirty talk during sex?
- Do you prefer it rough or romantic?
- What’s your favorite sexy outfit of mine?
- How would you like to make me come the next time we make love?
- What’s the best thing about our sex life?
- What gets you turned on the fastest?
- Where’s your favorite place in the house to make love?
- What’s the dirtiest thing you’ve thought about doing to me?
- How do I show you that I’m attracted to you?
- What’s the hottest sex scene you’ve watched and what did you like about it?
- Would you like to be tied up?
- Would you like to tie me up?
- Where’s your favorite place to be touched?
- What’s a turn off for you?
- As a couple, what are our sexual strengths and weaknesses?
- Would you like to kiss more when we make love?
- What color lingerie do you prefer me to wear?
- What’s your favorite way to come?
- What lingerie of mine is your favorite?
- What would you like to do more of in bed?
- If you could have sex anywhere, where would you want to do it?
- The next time we make love, would you like to be in control or me to be in control?
- What’s your favorite thing to do after making love?
- What do you enjoy the most about sex?
- How satisfied are you with our sex life?
- How do you see our sex life changing through the years?
You might also like: Intimate questions to ask your partner.
Even if you’ve been together a long time, having an open and honest conversation about your sex life is one worth having.
Having a conversation where you discuss these sex questions for couples are a great way to get in the mood, improve your love life, and increase your connection to each other.
Why not start asking them tonight?
(So in the mood but still struggling with having the big O? The orgasm course) can help.
You might also like: Questions for couples.
Monday 24th of July 2023
I have been married for 21 years and I am 44 years old. When we got married he was so kind to me. After making love, he loved me more and would be so kind days after. But during the past 5years we make love and almost immediately after the love making ecstasy, if anything goes wrong or I say something, my husband can shout at me, argue with me and sometimes the evening ends with sadness for me. I feel so emotional about it because it seems the love making and foreplay didn't mean anything to him. I feel he doesn't love me anymore.
Tuesday 25th of July 2023
Hey Adline, I wanted to say that this sounds really tough for you. You have a long history with your husband - basically half your life! and you obviously love him a lot. However how he is acting after you have been together is hurting you. Have you talked to him about this?
Thursday 4th of August 2022
Hi, I m married for 20 years and never felt to ask this question. The question is my wife doesn't like sperm on her body, and touching it, even on the sheets.She just want to runs away / stay away from the sperm during /after sex. I feel my sex life is not complete, without her feeling the sperm. please help, what can I do.
Thursday 4th of August 2022
Hey Mike, if this problem has persisted for 20 years, with neither you nor your wife changing your feelings about it, you might want to consider getting some guidance from a professional, eg a sex therapist. Unfortunately, I'm not qualified to help you with this. Best of luck as I'm hearing how much it bothers you.
Wednesday 25th of August 2021
Hi Denish, it is very possible that your wife is finding it hard to be interested in sex after having a baby. During the first six weeks in particular she is still healing and after that, there are still many things to contend with, including lack of sleep. Don't give up on your sex life though. Try talking to your doctor about this or check out this article: https://www.webmd.com/sex-relationships/features/get-your-sex-life-back-after-baby.
Tel Caster
Wednesday 13th of January 2021
maybe the questions are a bit to direct, and deterministic? My partner and I both agree that we are not a cookbook, add some standard ingredients and you have yourself a sex life. Honesty would be to admit that sex will always be more giving, than receiving. When that is no longer good enough, then maybe friendship or even separation is the way forward?
Thursday 14th of January 2021
Thanks for your perspective, Tel. Some people find having a list of questions they haven't had to come up with themselves get good conversation and intimacy happening. It takes all kinds.
Wednesday 23rd of December 2020
What to do if partner just don't want to answer to questions like that? He awoids the topic or make fun of it....
Sunday 3rd of January 2021
Hi GG I'm so sorry you feel like you can't talk about sex with your partner. This may be something you want to seek further advice and support with.