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Bonding over books: Date ideas for book lovers

Add another chapter to the story of you as a couple with these date ideas for book lovers that celebrate your shared love of the written word.

A couple bonding over books together during a picnic, after reading these date ideas for book lovers

If you’re a bookworm like me, you’ll know there’s nothing like the magic of getting lost in the pages of a beloved book.

And what better way to connect with a fellow book lover than by planning a date night centered around literature?

Whether you’re a new couple or have been together for years, these date night ideas will ignite your love for books and create lasting memories.

Let’s write some romance!

Attend a book reading or author event

A person reading a book: bonding over books - date ideas for book lovers

Have a search of literary events in your area and attend a book reading or author events.

You can listen to authors discuss their works, read excerpts, and engage in conversations with readers.

True story – Camilla Läckberg once visited the provincial library in my city. I fan-girled so hard I literally had a mind-blank when I got to the front of the line to talk to her.

In fact, all I can remember saying was that we shared a common number of husbands (two exes and one current.

Still embarrassed.

It’s a fantastic opportunity to meet like-minded book lovers, gain insights into the creative process, and expand your reading list.

Book club date night

If you both enjoy discussing literature, why not organize a book club date night?

Choose a book to read together in advance and set a date for a book club discussion.

Prepare some snacks and drinks, and engage in a lively conversation about the plot, characters, and themes.

It’s a great way to bond and discover each other’s perspectives.

You can enjoy this date with the two of you or extend it to a double date or group date.

Bookish dinner date

Plan a date night where you prepare a meal inspired by your favorite books.

Research recipes mentioned in literary classics or find dishes associated with your favorite authors.

Cook the meal together, and as you savor the flavors, discuss the books that inspired the menu.

It’s a delicious way to combine your love for literature and culinary delights.

Note- this doesn’t have to be dinner. Fans of Lee Child’s will know that Jack Reacher’s idea of a perfect breakfast is pancakes, egg on top, bacon on the side, plenty of syrup. Of course this is matched with plenty of coffee.

Bedtime story

Revisit the joy of childhood by taking turns reading bedtime stories to each other.

Select those that hold sentimental value that your partner may not have read before. Maybe these are childhood faves or books you’d love to share.

I’m thinking Chronicles of Narnia as a first stop.

Of course, you do want to consider your partner’s choice in books before you select this date.

I know I’d be subjected to sports biographies of cricketers who were big in the 70s.

(This is a great date idea for new parents. Baby can listen too!).

Book store buy-up

A couple looking around for some books, bonding over books, after reading these date ideas for book lovers

When I was a little girl, we used to have the Scholastic Book Club. Once a month, these colorful brochures would be delivered to us in class.

I would scan though each of the recommendations and make my pics. One of the most magical memories of my childhood is that my mom put no limits on what books I bought. If I wanted them, I got them.

I’d hand in my order form and a few weeks later my pile of books would arrive – which I’d make short work of.

I’ve never lost the thrill of buying a new book, or the pleasure that comes from browsing in a bookstore.

So head to your local, and spend time browsing the shelves, selecting one book each. Then pop over to the café section and indulge in a coffee and sweet treat while you share what you bought and why.

Bookstore challenge

This date idea for book lovers is an uplevel on the previous date idea.

Challenge each other to find the most unusual or intriguing book in a bookstore within a specified time limit.

Agree to surprise each other with the book you choose.

Once the time is up, exchange your finds and explain why you were drawn to them.

It’s a fun way to explore new genres and expand your reading horizons.

Library date night

I was such a prolific reader as a child that thank goodness for libraries as otherwise my mom would have been bankrupt.

Libraries were such rich places in my mind as they held all these books I couldn’t wait to get my hands on.

That libraries make reading accessible to all people is one of the things I love about humanitu.

As well as being an impressive public service, the library makes for a unique and creative date.

Head on over to Date night at the library and discover my library scavenger hunt that will give you so much insight into each other.

Literary escape room

If you’re both fans of puzzles and mysteries, consider visiting a literary-themed escape room.

These interactive experiences allow you to immerse yourselves in a book-inspired adventure, solving puzzles and riddles to unlock the mysteries.

It’s an exciting and intellectually stimulating way to bond over your love for books.

Literary movie marathon

A couple watching a movie based on a book, after reading these bonding over books: date ideas for book lovers

Select a few movies that are based on books and create your own literary movie marathon.

Snuggle up on the couch, grab some popcorn, and enjoy the magic of seeing your favorite stories come to life on the screen.

Discuss the similarities and differences between the books and movies, and share your thoughts on the adaptations.

(No movie adaptations of your favorite books? Consider shows also – some of our favorite books have been made into shows like Dexter, Jack Reacher and You.).

Literary picnic

Pack a picnic basket with your favorite snacks and head to your favorite local park or garden.

Settle down on a cozy blanket and read while you enjoy some romantic picnic food.

Allow the beauty of nature to complement the words on the pages, and let the story transport you to another world.

Literary walking tour

True story – one of my favorite New Zealand short story writers is Katherine Mansfield.

Imagine my delight when I was told that the village we were looking to buy a house in, Eastbourne, was the very place Katherine used to visit as a child, and was the setting for the story At the Bay.

When my husband also mentioned that cricketer Martin Crowe lived here for a time, we knew this was destined to be.

If you’re lucky enough to live in or close to a place with literary landmarks, take a guided walking tour and learn about the places that inspired beloved books and the stories behind them.

It’s like history and literature wrapped up in a bundle of exercise.

Poetry night

Indulge in the beauty of poetry by hosting a poetry night at home.

Take turns reading poems to each other.

Discuss the feelings they evoke in you and the personal connections you have with the words.

These date ideas for book lovers help you deepen your connection through books, whether it’s through a library date night, literary eats or book-inspired adventures.

So, add another chapter to the story of you as a couple as you check out these dates that celebrate your shared love of the written word.

A book lovers’ date is a unique date idea. Here’s other unique date ideas for couples who have done everything.

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