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25 potluck side dishes to steal the show

Are you ready to be the star of your next potluck gathering? This collection of potluck side dishes will ensure your contribution is the talk of the table!

Quinoa salad in a bowl made after reading these Potluck side dishes

Ah, potlucks. They take the work out of hosting a crowd and make it easy. No more slaving over the kitchen for days… simply whip out one dish.

But potlucks aren’t only about convenience – they’re about diversity and tradition.

There’s something for everyone with potlucks, like the creamy richness of a crockpot potatoes or the refreshing crunch of Brussels sprouts slaw – whether you’re the hearty eater (like my husband), the health-conscious (like my father – aka the “fruitarian” given his current penchant for a piece of fruit beyond all else), the adventurous foodie (like myself) – the potluck table has everyone covered.

Potlucks are also about tradition – especially once you lock onto your signature dish.

My go-to potluck side dish for many years was a layered garden salad that wouldn’t have been out of place at an 80s dinner but was still exceptionally delicious. It was a family hit back in said 80s and even made a feature in my 21st birthday way back in 1995. Even this Christmas just been, my stepmother made it.

These days, I usually make a this trifle as a potluck dessert.

In this way, potluck dishes can tell a story – where each person is sharing a part of themselves, their heritage, or even a cherished family recipe. If you’re like me and hate small talk, asking about the tradition of a dish is a great idea.

But I’m getting ahead of myself – because this round up is about those of you wanting to find that perfect potluck side!

These 25 best potluck side dishes not only taste amazing but are also easy to transport and serve.

Which one will become your new signature dish?

Potluck side dishes

A successful potluck is about bringing people together, and what better way to do so than with a spread of diverse and delicious sides?

Each recipe has been chosen for its flavor, ease of preparation, and crowd-pleasing qualities in the hope that it will become your new signature side.

Cook with joy and share with love with these potluck side dishes.

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